This episode of the Sports Business Classroom Audio Experience is from a previously recorded webinar on “How Teams Navigate the NBA Trade Deadline” hosted by Bobby Marks and Eric Pincus. Throughout the webinar, they discuss the ins and outs of the trade deadline, answer relevant questions from our live Q&A, and more!
- In this episode, Bobby and Eric discuss:
- The process of putting together a trade
- Trade structure and permissible trades
- The impact of the new CBA
- Examples of current and past trades
Bobby and Eric provide excellent insights on how front offices operate through one of the busiest times of the NBA Calendar.
This webinar is an example of what students learn during the SBC Business of Basketball Immersive Experience. If you have any interest in attending the upcoming program taking place July 14-20, 2024 during the Las Vegas Summer, be sure to register as soon as possible as space is limited.
Learn more: sportsbusinessclassroom.com
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